The SW Cove Point Road Stormwater Erosion Mitigation Project construction is set to begin on Wednesday, October 14 and will run through November 10, 2020 (as good weather holds up).
The project provides for mitigation of an erosional gully as a result of failed stormwater conveyance originating in the Cove Point residential development and discharges in a downward gradient toward the north end of Seahurst Park in Burien.
This project will have minimal impact on use of Seahurst Park. The contractor will use the service road from 16th Avenue SW and approximately the SW 13200 block for access and will use work zone and safety signs where required. The service road crosses hiking trails in the park, so hikers should be aware of construction vehicles when crossing the road. Park partner organizations and maintenance workers will have access to this road but access will be limited at certain times of day and for various days.