Project Overview
This project in Seahurst Park repaired the landslide that happened in 2014 on the south side of SW Seahurst Park Road. There were improvements to the road that included the construction of a soldier pile retaining wall with 544 square feet of timber lagging, installation of storm sewers, grading, erosion control, slope stabilization, removal and replacement of curb, gutter, sidewalk, asphalt shared use path, hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement, striping, and other work.
On Monday, February 19, 2024, Seahurst Park was closed for the removal of 21 alder (Alnus rubra) and bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum) trees to provide clearance for the operation of equipment involved in repairing the landslide next to the road. The equipment was used to pound in large piles to create a wall and requires approximately 70 feet of clearance to operate.
These trees were overhanging the work zone and had small amounts of canopy, which is typical of trees growing in a forested environment with limited sunlight. Due to the trees leaning over the road and small amounts of live canopy, pruning for clearance would result in little to no live canopy remaining on the trees. The extent of pruning required would result in possible decay, decline, and maintenance concerns for the trees, making removal of these trees a better long-term option. The removed trees were shorter-lived tree species in fair-to-good condition. Many of these trees were reaching maturity and would likely have started to decline in the coming years. These trees were cut at approximately five feet above the ground to help maintain slope stability and provide wildlife habitat.
All trees removed to accommodate the work were replaced with a mix of longer-lived evergreens typically found in the Puget Sound region and understory plants. The mix of trees will improve ecological function over time. Since evergreen trees maintain their leaves all year, they are better at slowing stormwater and cleaning our air. Overall, this provides us with an opportunity to improve the worksite safety while restoring the area with longer-lived evergreens and increase tree diversity along the Seahurst entryway.
Project Status
Project was completed in spring 2024.
[email protected]
(206) 248-5521
Updated June 21, 2024