Climate Action Plan Survey

Survey Asks Community to Prioritize Strategies for Burien’s Climate Action Plan
Posted on 07/26/2021
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To prepare for the effects of climate change, the City of Burien is developing its first community-level climate action plan. Community members are invited to take a survey to help prioritize strategies to reduce climate pollution and help protect our community from the worst impacts of climate change. The Burien Climate Action Plan survey is open from July 26 through August 25.

Take the survey.

The goal of the Burien Climate Action Plan is to establish ambitious, feasible, and equitable strategies that rapidly reduce Burien’s greenhouse gas emissions, build community resilience, and are aligned with the efforts of cities around the region. By completing this survey, community members are providing valuable input on their vision of a climate-resilient Burien.

Learn more about the Burien Climate Action Plan and how to get involved at: