Burien Playgrounds Closed Temporarily

Burien Playgrounds, Sports Courts, and Park Restrooms Will be Temporarily Closed, Parks and Trails Users Directed to Follow Social Distancing Guidelines
Posted on 03/23/2020

Burien playground equipment, park restrooms, and sports courts will be closed starting March 23, 2020 as part of the City of Burien’s continued response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Burien parks and trails will remain open, but community members are directed to follow social distancing guidelines. King County and City of Seattle announced a similar order for their playgrounds, sports courts, and picnic shelters.

Portable restrooms will be provided at the following parks: Lake Burien Park, Seahurst Park, Town Square Park, and Community Center Annex Park. These restrooms will include a hand washing station and will be cleaned six days a week.

The City had already canceled all rentals for sports fields, picnic shelters, and outdoor parks between March 16 and May 1, where essential social distancing guidelines are difficult to achieve. Ballfields and playfields are open for walking and other non-team activities. Pick-up games and other large gatherings will not be permitted.

“We know that our parks and trails can provide critical support for our community during this difficult time, and that getting outside is a good way to stay healthy and reduce anxiety,” said Carolyn Hope, City of Burien Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Director. “We want to keep parks and trails open and support the public health goal of slowing the spread of COVID-19. We encourage all of our community members to practice social distancing when outside.”

While using parks, remember to follow the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance on personal hygiene:

  • Keep six feet apart from others, especially in popular parks such as Seahurst Park.
  • Wash hands and carry hand sanitizer.
  • Don’t touch your face.
  • Please do not visit public spaces if you have symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Pack out your own trash to protect park maintenance staff.

For more resources about COVID-19 and Burien specific impacts, visit burienwa.gov/covid. The City of Burien appreciates your cooperation in complying with these changes to protect our community.

COVID-19 social distancing in parks and trails.