New Business Licensing Service Will Make it Easier to Apply and Renew Business Licenses in 2020
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A new business licensing system will make it easier to apply or renew your business license by providing a one-stop shop for both Burien and state business licenses. The new system will allow you to apply or renew online, saving you time and bookkeeping costs.
In an effort to streamline the licensing process and make it easier for businesses to apply or renew business licenses, the City of Burien is working with the Department of Revenue’s Business Licensing Service (BLS). Starting May 21, 2020, BLS will begin to process the City of Burien’s business licenses and renewals.
Registering with the City of Burien through the Business Licensing Service
Our partnership with BLS will allow businesses to apply for their Burien business license at the same time as other state and local licenses offered by BLS. We hope to provide savings to you in travel time, wait time, and bookkeeping costs.
You do not need to take action at this time!
Right now, you do not need to take any action. In early June 2020, the Business Licensing Service will send you a license renewal letter with instructions on how to renew your City of Burien business license. You may use E-check or credit card to make payment on the BLS website. If you prefer to renew your license by mail using the BLS renewal form, please do so in plenty of time to reach BLS before the expiration date and include a check made out to the Washington State Department of Revenue for the appropriate amount. If the renewal is received after the expiration date, a late filing fee will be assessed.
What fees will I have to pay?
For renewals, you will still pay the same City of Burien license fee, which will continue to be based on your part-time and full-time employee count. Currently, the annual fee is $75 for 0–39 employees and $150 for 40 or more employees. The first BLS renewal fee will be prorated for less than the annual amount as your current city license expiration date will be changed to match the state license expiration date that BLS already has for your business in their system. When you receive your next renewal notice, prior to your new expiration date, you will be charged the full annual renewal fee. That renewal will also include an $11 BLS renewal processing fee. This fee helps cover BLS processing costs, as well as the printing and mailing of renewals and licenses.
For more information, visit the BLS website or call BLS at 1-800-451-7985.