The City of Burien will be out this summer applying slurry seal and asphalt overlay in three areas of Burien: Chelsea Park area, north Seahurst area, and a small section of Des Moines Memorial Drive S.
This year’s asphalt overlay program will complete last year’s Des Moines Memorial Drive S overlay to Ambaum Boulevard S. Part of this work also prepares for upcoming slurry seal work by doing hot mix asphalt (HMA) repair work and crack sealing. Overlay work begins July 2, 2018.
Postcards will be mailed in July to inform residents of the upcoming slurry seal work. This work is tentatively scheduled for mid-August. All pavement work is expected to be completed before the 2018–19 school year begins.
About the Pavement Management Program
The 2018 Pavement Management Program (PMP) consists of two areas of work: asphalt overlay and slurry sealing. Slurry sealing is a cost effective method for extending the pavement life by as much as seven years on residential and low volume streets and is generally applied to streets that are in fair to good condition. It also allows our street maintenance crews to refocus and prioritize maintenance needs.
Learn more about the pavement management program, including frequently asked questions.