Joint Human Services and Planning Commissions Study Session on Spectrum of Housing Policies
The Human Services Commission and Planning Commission are holding a joint study session to learn from a panel of housing policy, planning, and affordable housing development experts.
When: December 5, 2018, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Where: Multipurpose Room/Council Chambers, Burien Library, 400 SW 152nd St
The purpose of the session is to provide information to the Commissions so they can develop ideas, strategies, and policy recommendations that help Burien be a safe, healthy, and affordable community of opportunity for people of all income levels. It will inform future discussions on housing policy and decision-making.
On the panel:
- Laura Benjamin, Puget Sound Regional Council
- Kelly Rider, King County Department of Housing and Community Development
- Brian Lloyd, Beacon Development
- Jonathan Smith, Bellwether Housing
- Ryan Mielcarek, Compass Housing
- Dan Watson , King County Housing Authority
- Edmund Witter, Columbia Legal Services
Our region is currently experiencing uneven economic growth that has benefited some while pushing many others into housing insecurity or homelessness. There is a historic need for homes affordable to people of all income levels. Increasing economic pressure has been placed on households with low and moderate incomes, while preservation and production of affordable housing has not kept pace.
The public is invited to attend. The meeting will be recorded and televised. You can also watch live on Comcast Channel 21 or watch online.