[Update 01/12/2024: Applications are now due February 2, 2024 at 5 p.m.]
Want to serve your community and help shape local laws and policy? Do you have expertise to share? Consider applying for one of the 11 open positions on a Burien advisory board, commission, or committee! These boards study issues important to the community they serve, take in public testimony, perform independent research, and review staff reports and recommendations. Members discuss, analyze, develop, and forward recommendations to the Burien City Council, who then uses these recommendations to develop legislation. They volunteer their time to help plan the future of their communities. Learn more about our advisory boards and commissions.
Application Instructions
To apply for an open position, select the application link below (available in English and Spanish). Applications are due January 12, 2024 at 5 p.m. Interviews will occur during special meetings of the City Council in February and March 2024.
Arts Commission
The Arts Commission's role is to advise and make recommendations to the City Council regarding the improvement and furtherance of artistic activities within the City. The Arts Commission reviews applications for Arts and Culture Grants and public art projects. Council reviews their recommendations and provides final approval.
There is one alternate opening.
Business and Economic Development Partnership
The Business and Economic Development Partnership’s (BEDP) role is to advise and make recommendations to the City Council regarding economic development within Burien.
There is one opening.
Burien Airport Committee
The Burien Airport Committee provides guidance to the City Council on topics related to the airport. Topics include:
- Positive and negative impacts of the airport to the city of Burien.
- Land use issues and interlocal agreements.
- Mitigation of airport impacts.
- Recommendations on ways to protect residents from negative impacts, and ways for residents and businesses to take advantage of positive airport impacts.
There are two openings.
Human Services Commission
The Human Services Commission is an advisory board to the City Council responsible for providing advice and recommendations related to human services issues. Duties and responsibilities of the Human Services Commission include:
- Identify and assess the human services needs in the city.
- Recommend priorities and approaches to address human services needs within the city.
- Review human services funding requests submitted to the City and make funding allocation recommendations.
- Review performance of human services agencies and programs that are funded by the City.
There is one opening.
Parks and Recreation Board
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board's role is to advise and make recommendations to the City Council regarding recreational programming and the acquisition, promotion, improvement, maintenance, and use of City parks.
There are five member position openings and one alternate position opening.