Public Records Request Form

Public Records Request

Requestor Information

Last Name:  First Name:  
Street Address:  
City:  State:  
Daytime Phone:  Alternate Phone:  

Records Request

Describe the records you are requesting. Do not provide the following information on your request: Social Security numbers, driver’s license numbers, bank account information, routing numbers, medical information, passport numbers, and passwords. A complete and detailed description of the records you are requesting is necessary to accurately respond to your request. Failure to provide information sufficient to identify the record(s) may cause delay.

Please select how you would like to receive the records:

  I would like copies of the records and will pick them up when they are available.

  I would like to inspect the records at City Hall.

  I would like copies of the records sent to me at the street address above.

  I would like copies of the records sent to me at the email address above.

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