The Burien City Council issued proclamations in honor of Peace Officers Memorial Day and Affordable Housing Week. They also held an educational session on recent Washington State Legislature actions regarding the possession and open use of controlled substances and how neighboring cities have responded.
Proclamations Honor Peace Officers Memorial Day and Affordable Housing Week
The City Council issued a proclamation in honor of Peace Officer Memorial Day, paying tribute to police officers killed in the line of duty. King County Undersheriff Jesse Anderson and Burien Police Chief Ted Boe accepted the proclamation.
They also issued a proclamation in honor of Affordable Housing Week, which occurred May 8-13. Cliff Cawthon, Advocacy and Policy Manager, Habitat for Humanity Seattle-King and Kittitas Counties, accepted the proclamation.
"We have about 40 homes for 40 families that thought they'd never be able to afford a home. We are going to build that just north of here," Cawthon shared.
"A home can be transformative, a home can change lives. Thank you for your support."
Discussion of Legislative Options to Address Possession and Public Use of Controlled Substances
The City Council held an educational session on recent Washington State Legislature actions regarding the possession and open use of controlled substances and how neighboring cities have responded.
The discussion began with an overview of the State v Blake decision and how the Washington State Legislature was unable to come to a solution during their regular session.
The City Council agreed to wait to take any local action such as creating a local ordinance until the end of the special state legislative session, convened on May 16, 2023.
City Council Approves Lease of City Property for Dog Park
The City Council approved the final terms of a lease agreement with Burien CARES, a nonprofit organization that provides the City’s animal control services. The agreement allows the organization to operate a dog park on a City-owned lot at SW 152nd St and 6th Ave SW.
The one-year lease at $185 per month goes into effect June 1, 2023. Other terms approved include keeping parking lot open and free for public use, allowing the City to sell the lot, and requiring the lessee Burien CARES to carry liability insurance.
Money from the lease agreement will be earmarked to fund either a sanctioned encampment or, if no encampment exists, the funds will go toward the City’s Human Services Fund.
The City Manager also provided an update on efforts to find shelter and services for people currently living in an encampment on the site. Because of a region-wide lack of shelter and housing, there has been little to offer the residents of the encampment.
Council Reports and City Manager Report
Councilmember Mora shared a story of an assault that occurred against her husband. Mayor Aragon and City Manager shared outcomes of a meeting with City staff and King County Regional Housing Authority on finding shelter for people living in the downtown Burien encampment.
The City Manager invited City Councilmembers to a one-hour walking tour of Boulevard Park to learn more about planning options and that the Advancing Racial Equity Committee has issued a request for qualifications, due May 17, 2023, for consulting services to help the City develop equity strategies and tools.
During public comment, a group of community members delivered a petition to raise Burien’s minimum wage. The City Council voted to add a discussion of the minimum wage to a future meeting agenda.