The Burien City Council discussed the annual work plans for the Arts Commission and Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, discussed the annual public art plan funding, and took steps to begin the process of establishing a minimum wage in Burien.
Advisory Board Work Plans Focus on Planning for Future of Parks and Public Art
The City Council placed approval of work plans for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Arts Commission on the consent agenda of their next meeting. The work plans were presented by staff and members of each advisory board. The Arts Commission chair also presented accomplishments from the last two years.
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board 2023-2024 work plan will include:
- Review and make recommendations on Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) projects
- Review and make recommendations for Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Plan
- Support public engagement for PROS Plan, Hilltop Park Master Plan, Manhattan Park Playground Replacement, Lakeview Park Playground Project, Community Center Annex Park Master Plan, and Green Burien Partnership
- Provide feedback on youth programming proposals
- Appoint member to participate in Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan Committee
The Arts Commission 2023-2024 work plan will include:
- Advise staff on annual and long-range public art planning
- Appoint commissioners to serve on the Burien Arts and Culture Grants panel
- Members to continue serving on Creative District Committee hosted by Seattle Southside Chamber of Commerce
- Provide feedback and volunteer support for arts programming and community events
- Create committee to research development of youth poet laureate program
Annual Public Art Funding Plan to Support Exhibits and Maintenance
The City Council placed approval of the Arts Commission’s proposed Art in Public Places annual funding plan on the consent agenda of their next meeting. The funding recommendations will support downtown art exhibits in the Merrill Gardens and Maverick Apartments downtown art windows and at the Burien Community Center. Most of the funding will go to support maintenance of current artworks.
The Art in Public Places annual funding plan guides use of the City of Burien’s public art funding. During the 2023-2024 budget process, the City Council placed on the consent agenda of their next meeting $17,700 for public art spending in 2024. The Arts Commission makes recommendations to the City Council and staff on use of this funding.
City Council Takes Steps to Establish Minimum Wage in Burien
The City Council discussed three options to establish a local minimum wage: voter-approved initiative, council-ballot initiative, and council action. After discussion of the strengths and weaknesses for each approach, the City Council directed staff to conduct a study and develop a draft ordinance on minimum wage for consideration at a future meeting.
Council Reports and City Manager Report
Deputy Mayor Kevin Schilling and city manager reported that they have initiated conversations with REBLX, a King County Regional Homeless Authority-approved shelter provider who operates a facility in Renton and has preliminarily offered space for people experiencing homelessness. Subsequent investigation into the viability of the facility has eliminated from consideration. The City will continue to work with King County and other agencies to seek shelter resources for people living unhoused in Burien. The city manager also reported that conversations have begun with the Port of Seattle to explore use of one of their properties to site a temporary shelter.
The city manager also provided an update on the status of the New Futures program, a place-based family support program operated by Southwest Youth and Family Services, who had faced possible eviction from their site at the Alcove at Seahurst Apartments. The new owner of the apartment complex has extended their agreement by 12 months. The City Council agreed to sign on to a letter in support of the program.
The city manager also provided highlights of progress being made toward the Burien Climate Action Plan. He also celebrated the completion of this year’s StormFest 2023, an interactive stormwater festival for Highline Public Schools sixth-grade students.
He also shared that recruitment would begin soon to replace members of the Planning Commission.