Burien Food Truck Pilot Program

The Burien Food Truck Pilot Program was established by City of Burien Resolution No. 445. The pilot program will come to an end on June 30, 2024.

Should you wish to operate a food truck in Burien:

  • If it is a special event, it would be permitted under the special event organizer’s permit and that is centralized through the City Clerk’s office. 
  • If you wish to plan a food truck rodeo/food truck event, please email us so that we can guide you through the Special Event permit process.
  • If you wish to operate in a park, you would need to discuss a permit with the ParCs department
  • If you are not planning to do any of the aforementioned options, please reach out to Community Development about any temporary use permit options they have available. 

Updated July 25, 2024