The King County Assessor's Office announced the new property tax rates for King County. What does this mean for Burien?
From our analysis, it appears that the jump in property tax for Burien residents has more to do with the fact that the median assessed value for property in Burien has gone up by 16.61 percent. The median assessed value in Burien for 2018 is $337,000, up from the 2017 value of $289,000. The total property tax rate for 2018 of 13.70330 has increased by 1.26 percent over the 2017 rate of 13.53235. This rate includes the levies from all taxing districts in Burien. The City’s tax rate for 2018 is 1.23516, down from the 2017 rate of 1.36228. For 2018, the city’s portion of the total tax is approximately 9 percent.The City expects to collect approximately 1 percent, or $76,000, more in property taxes in 2018.
Property taxes on a median assessed value property will increase by 18.08 percent. This percentage increase will not be experienced by all taxpayers as their values may have increased over 2017 by a different percentage.
Low-income seniors, veterans and disabled homeowners may qualify for a property-tax exemption offered by King County. Information on how to apply for an exemption, along with other property-assessment-related information, can be found at
More information
King County Assessor's Office information on 2018 property taxes